Join me. Dream big, set goals and act as we move into the future with purpose. When I say dream big, I mean it. Grab your courage, take a stretch and strive toward achieving your very best life, a grand one.
Let me tell you why, and how we can traverse big dreams, together.
On the go? Here’s 30 seconds of take outs:
- Dream big. Its what gives your life vibrancy and purpose. Take a stretch and you’ll soon discover how capable you really are.
- As a property investor, dreaming big is what will motivate you to keep going even when the going gets tough at times. Practice visualising your dream and you’ll start acting on your goals before you even realise you are.
- Commit your dream to paper. Break it down into goals and then tasks (I’ve got a few tools to help you). Then make a commitment to yourself that every single day that you will take at least one step forward, because every step gets you closer to achieving your goals.
- Never, ever quit on your big dream.
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My challenge to you is to dream big
The truth of the matter is that many people start off with good intentions, and then give up on their dreams. Without a plan to navigate to your goals, you might become disgruntled, throw in the towel and settle for the familiar – or even the mundane.
Why live a subdued life of discontent because you keep thinking about the things that could have been? Everything worthwhile starts as a dream. Walt Disney famously stated:
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
As adults, I think we forget how to dream big. It is part of a child’s nature to go after what they really want, without limitations. As we grow and experience life, we put more and more limitations around ourselves. We can become our worst enemy by not believing in our capabilities to achieve our dreams.
As we move into the future, I want you to find your courage and dream big with me.
How do you set a dream into motion?
“Each man should frame life so that at some future hour fact and his dreaming meet.”—Victor Hugo
A dream is a clear vision of what you want for your future. It is the full multi-dimensional picture such as where you’re living, how you’re spending your days, how much money you have funding your dream, who you’re sharing your dream with and so on. Deepen the dream by bringing in other senses than just sight, such as what does your home smell like? How comfortable does it feel in the heat of summer? How is your music streaming through your home? Imagining your future doesn’t come naturally for most people. Being able to visualise what you want takes practice.
Albert Einstein – a man of knowledge – was on to this idea and famously stated that imagination is more important than knowledge.
Practiced enough, our thoughts about what we want from our lives can become self-fulfilling prophecies. This is particularly true, if we have a clear vision that we think about often.
Being able to dream big is like a strength building workout, the more you practice it the better you become at it. When you’re a property investor, dreaming big is only part of the picture but it sets your path, and defines the why.
You can set your dream into motion by taking regular time out to visualise what your future lifestyle looks and feels like.
Dream big, or go home! I’m not sure who said that, but it’s a more interesting life than being dreamless.
How do you make a big dream happen?
You define and set goals to make a dream reality. You need to be clear on where you are right now and where you want to get to. It’s then all the steps to bridge the gap that you need to break down into goals. If you’re not practiced in visualising your goals, pen and paper can help you define and commit to your vision.
If you’re familiar with my blog posts you will have read a lot about the why and how of goal setting. It is a key theme in almost everything to do with property investment. This blog post on mind mapping is a great place to start defining your goals: Mind map your way to the lifestyle you want to live.
Mind mapping is a great tool to help you extract the thoughts and ideas you have in your mind in a creative way. Once you’ve made all the important connections to your vision through mind mapping, its time to commit your goals to paper. The action of putting hand to pen, and then words and thoughts to paper, has been found time and time again in educational research to reinforce and strengthen learning. It is why handwriting is still practiced at school despite technology. In this case, you’re reinforcing your vision and the steps you need to take to get there – cementing them in your mind.
Your subconscious mind works in your favour and is incredibly powerful when you write your goals down it helps to just lock the goals into the back of your mind and helps you to go through life and know what’s important for you in order to you for you to achieve your goals. Here is a great blog I did on goal setting.
Make sure there is a lot of detail supporting your goals. Bring the goals to life vividly as the more detail you have, the harder you’ve worked that big dream muscle. For example, if one of your goals is to design and build a five-bedroom, three-bathroom home, what else comes with this. Is the house on a mountain top, or by the sea? Is there a life partner you’d like to share your home with? Children? A car or two in the garage? What sort of entertaining would happen in this home? This may break your goals down further. Give your dream life.
Remember, these are your goals and dream, not someone else’s. Don’t allow other people to discourage you from achieving your dreams. If your vision is important enough, you need to hold onto it and weather through any threats or storms that might dislodge your plan.
By revisiting your written goals often, you’ll find you’re naturally taking the steps you need to, to help you move in a positive direction toward reaching your goals.
Act now
Once you’re clear about your goals the next step is to take action. For each goal, what do you need to achieve on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis to get there?
Do at least one thing every single day that contributes toward your imagined future – any step forward is a good one.
Goal setting tools to help you achieve your big dream
I’ve created action sheets and action plans to help you. I’m serious about helping move you in the right direction. These tools will help you create achievable tasks that you can act on daily, to achieve your long-term goals.
Capital Properties > Personal action sheet
Capital Properties > Personal action plan
Long-term goals worth working towards, can take many years to achieve. Your big dream could potentially take a decade or two, so invest time now into planning the steps you’ll need to take to get there.
Do be prepared to fail. Failure is part of the journey to success. The key is to never quit on your goals. If you have a fail, that’s okay. Check your rear-view vision for a moment, and then get back in the driver’s seat and shift into drive!
If your future vision is something truly in your heart that you want to achieve, never give up. Every step forward, no matter how little, is one step closer. You will reach a stage where your dream starts to feel more like reality.
Never give up.
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