‘Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to celebrate than by taking a moment to reflect on your property investment strategy with Capital Properties? As the year draws to an end and a new one about to begin, it’s the perfect time to evaluate your property investments, set new goals, and make any necessary adjustments so you can hit the ground running in 2024.
In this blog post, we invite you to join us for an end/start-of-year review to help secure your financial future for the years to come. So, grab a cold one and let’s explore why a property investment check-up is the best way to close out your year.
The Capital Properties team live and breathe property investment for ADF members, and it’s our mission to make sure we help you achieve your property investment goals to reach future financial security. Our FREE Capital Properties Discovery Session is a great place to start, and we have tools and strategies to help you every step of the way.
Before we welcome in the new year, it’s only natural to look back at the past one and reflect on the successes and challenges we’ve faced. In 2023, Australian Defence Force (ADF) property investors encountered plenty of opportunities and challenges in the Australian property market. From the highs of unprecedented rental demand in some areas and attractive government initiatives, to the lows of building supply issues and soaring interest rates, we’ve had a hell of a ride.
Capital Properties clients have used our proven property investment strategies to weather the storms and stay ahead of the game with growing portfolios and strong capital growth across all their investments. And we want to see you continue to succeed in 2024 and beyond. That’s why we encourage you to take advantage of a Capital Properties end-of-year review and make sure you stay on the path to financial success.
The comprehensive Capital Properties end-of-year review will allow you to:
It’s easy to get busy and bogged down in the craziness of day-to-day life, especially if they involve training, exercises, and deployments. So, it’s important to speak to someone with an objective view to make sure you are still in line with your goals.
Together we can analyse your current property investment(s), assess their performance, and make sure they still align with your financial and lifestyle objectives.
We’ll make sure you stay on track by working with you to optimise your property investment strategy to maximise returns and minimise risks.
The Australian property market is constantly evolving. The Capital Properties experts will help you discover new opportunities that may be worth exploring in the coming year.
According to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), 9 out of 10 rental property investors make errors in their tax returns, especially when it comes to interest deductions. The Capital Properties team can help you ensure your investments are structured in a tax-efficient manner to avoid facing the wrath of the ATO when it comes to tax time.
As well as making sure you have a clear vision of your goals and the strategy you need to get you there, our end of year review will cover some essentials such as:
We’ll re-evaluate your investment property(s) cash flow position and comparative market analysis, including:
We’ll look at the options available to you, whether you’re ready to grow your portfolio, or make changes to get you closer to that point. Our finance team will confirm your new borrowing capacity and discuss the next steps. If it suits you better, we can do all, or most of this, over the phone. Your options might include:
Option C. Consolidation – We can help you work out if you should consolidate your finance, find better interest rates, and reduce your investment/personal debt.
We know that the unique demands of Defence life mean you don’t always have time to stay updated and make sure your investment(s) is working the hardest for you. We created the Pinnacle Support Program to make sure you’re supported the whole way through your property investment journey. And we believe the end of the year is the perfect time to evaluate your property investments and set the course for the year ahead.
It’s also a chance for us to say thank you for your continued trust in our team. Your support is greatly valued, and we look forward to celebrating your successes in the years to come.
Get in touch now to book your end-of-year review and make sure you’re still on track to reach your financial and lifestyle goals.
If you’ve got some time, you can check out our FREE Property Investor Tools and Apps and download a copy of our book, Property Investment SOP – essential reading for all property investors and first home buyers.
So much has changed in the world of finance and property investment in the last couple of years. If you haven’t been keeping up with these changes, you might be missing out on some serious opportunities. Even if you’ve been staying up to date with our Capital Properties news posts, it’s important to make sure you’re still on track to meet YOUR goals.
The experts at Capital Properties recommend taking time at least once a year to meet and re-evaluate your property investment and long term financial and lifestyle goals. During this catch up we can make sure you’re on track to achieve your goals and are actively taking the next best steps to get you there. So, if you’re due for a review, don’t put it off a second longer. Book in here.
The Capital Properties Property Investment Tools & Apps and essential resources from our Capital Properties Pinnacle Support Program will help you take stock and make smart decisions for now and the long-term.
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Due for a review? We know that life gets busy, and the weeks turn into months so quickly, before you know it years can have flown by. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with so much to keep on top of. Can you be sure that you’re consistently doing everything you need to maximise your potential and achieve your goals?
That’s where we can help. We developed the Capital Properties Pinnacle Support Program to make sure you stay on top of your game with as little effort as possible. If you’re not confidently answering these questions below, then get in touch for a review so we can make sure you’re still on track.
Ask yourself truthfully:
Do I know what I need to do next to progress my goals?
Lifestyle goals changed?
Property investing is a journey not a destination. Some of your goals can take 10 to 20 years and it’s normal to feel some resistance along the way – that’s just life!
In the last few years, I’ve taken stock of my total property deals since I first began investing in 1998. From starting as an absolute novice to completing over $6million in property transactions, grossing over $2million. In my early days in the Navy, I couldn’t have dreamed of this kind of financial security. But I applied the Capital Properties Property Investment strategies and stuck to my goals, even when it wasn’t easy. In fact, it’s during the tough times that these strategies and our expertise can really make the difference.
“When everything seems to be going against you remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” Henry Ford
Setting goals and achieving them means more than making money. It’s helped me realise the lifelong dream I had to build my dream home. I’ve created generational wealth to make sure my family is looked after. And I’ve developed relationships with professionals that means Capital Properties continues to grow and thrive so we can share our success with you.
Let’s take stock
Even if you feel like you’re in a great place right now and your investment(s) is working hard for you, it’s worthwhile taking a moment to re-evaluate. Like the property investors hymn says “One property is good. Two is better. Three offers more opportunities. Four or more becomes a challenge to manage but really opens up your options and the ability to get set up.”
Review financial & lifestyle objectives
Simple and yet profound! Get started by taking our Investor self-evaluation test with our free Capital Properties Goal Setting Toolkit
Create an action list
Complete an Assets and Liabilities Worksheet
This is the easiest way to get a visual on your inflows and outgoings. Your financial situation will become clear and you’ll be able to see where you need to make changes. Also, where you can make the most of opportunities. You’ll find the Capital Properties Net Asset Position Calculator and Assets & Liability Calculator here.
Take it further with the Pinnacle Support Program
Book in for your Pinnacle Support Program Client Review here. Here’s a taste of what you can expect:
– Latest property data and research
To help you evaluate your investment property(s) cash flow position and comparative market analysis, we’ll review the latest data including:
The latest vacancy rates data
– Strategy development
Once you know how your investment(s) has performed we’ll work out an individualised strategy to continue building your wealth. Our finance team will confirm your new borrowing capacity. From there we can discern the next best steps forward. That might look like one of the three options below.
If you have capacity, we can start to explore property investment opportunities in line with your budget and goals. We know you’re busy, so much of the process can be executed over the phone to work within your Defence Force schedule.
If your current situation doesn’t allow you to make your next investment just yet we’ll give you some steps to implement, such as tenancy and maintenance tips that will increase your capacity and help you get closer to what’s important to you.
You might want to consolidate your finance, find better than your current interest rates and reduce your investment/personal debt. Our finance team can assist you with negotiating interest rates directly with the bank and/or refinancing your current loans.
Again, if it suits you better and to save your valuable time, we can do all, or most of this over the phone.
The next best step?
We want you to realise your financial and lifestyle goals using our tried and tested property investment strategies. And we know that the unique demands of Defence life mean you don’t always have time to stay updated and make sure your investment(s) is working the hardest for you.
Our Pinnacle Support Program is designed to make this process as easy and efficient as possible. After completing the Pinnacle Support Program Client Review you’ll have a clearer vision of your current situation and what’s important for you do on a day to day basis to achieve your goals. As the proverb says: ‘Iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another’. So, if you’re due for a review, the sooner we get to it the better.
We designed our Capital Properties Switched-On Strategy Series and Capital Properties Pinnacle Support Program for you. Along with free investor tools like our Property Investor – Self Evaluation Tool, we’ll make sure you reach your goals.
Call us on 1300 653 352 to get the ball rolling.