The Defence Force Property Investors Kit includes everything you need to know about property investment in the Australian property market.
The Defence Force Property Investors Kit will help you set realistic goals, work out your financial capability and learn inside tips for successful property investment. Downloading the kit is the first step towards your future financial security.
In the Defence Force Property Investors Kit you’ll find tools to help you:
- Set goals with the Personal Action Sheet + Personal Action Plan
- Work out your budget for property & personal spending
- Upskill with our 30-page quick start guide
- Carry out a preliminary finance assessment
- Learn the top 10 mistakes to avoid
- Simplify investment with a 7-step process
- Create a house & land flow chart
- Generate a single contract flow chart
- Get an insider’s overview of the Australian property market
- Develop your property selection criterion
- Use Capital Properties rental property spreadsheet template & rental property tax check list