Wayne B&w

Wayne Bemet

Owner and Founder | National Service Financial
Financial Adviser

The NSF Story

NSF was started by Wayne Bemet, a veteran of 19 years in the Royal Australian Navy and Air Force. Wayne has seen five operational deployments and was medically discharged in 2017 after blowing out both of his knees and having a combination of existing injuries. This forced Wayne to re-invent and re-educate himself for a life moving forward.

Having been through the transition process, Wayne knows how hard it can be, and the specific issues transitioning members face. Wayne’s transition went quite well, as he was diligent and willing to research and surround himself with people who could help.

It was this journey that led Wayne to form National Service Financial to assist other veterans as they face the challenges of transitioning and how they then re-establish themselves in the civilian world. He believes a veteran-founded business is ideally placed to assist in the transition and help with the complex financial issues veterans face. Veterans are more likely to trust someone with a similar background.

Learn how Wayne can help click here.


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